Помощь при оформлении лицензии мчс. Оформление удостоверений мчс. Действия в случае утери

We must admit that, nowadays the load transportation is improbable without having trailers. We are faced with a huge choice of trailers; with different shapes, sizes and colours. Do you know which is the best choice for you? If you already have a trailer, or you are considering of buying one, than you should know the following guidelines for proper loading and towing.

Each trailer has its own max safe loaded weight. Over drafting that weight can cause damaging the towing vehicle, brakes, wheels or engine. The max load that the vehicle can carry, can be calculated when you subtract the unloaded weight from the max safe loaded weight.

The loads have to be arranged safely. They cannot distract the driver or hurt anyone. The objects` height should be as low as possible. Arrange loads so they don`t project outside the body of the vehicle. If the loads extend more than 200mm beyond the sides of the trailer, then you must attach flags or standard hazard warning panels. All loads should be properly restrained so they can`t shift around while the vehicle is moving. If you need to use lashing to secure the load – fasten it to the vehicle using as many lashings as required. A minimum of 2 lashings should be used to prevent the load from twisting, rotating and slewing.

Do you need to cover the load? If it may be affected by air flow or by the motion of the vehicle, then yes, you have to cover it.

Is your trailer towing safely?

Every light vehicle and trailer combination must be capable of stopping within a distance of 7 metres from a speed of 30 km/h. This means that the maximum allowable weight of a non-brake trailer is limited by the weight and braking ability of the vehicle being used to tow it.

The lights and the brakes are 2 important components that a trailer has to have. A trailer that is more than 2 metres wide must have one pair of side lights, stop lamps and at least one red tail light. The letters and numbers on the registration plate must be lit by a white light. It is important because you don`t want to confuse the other drivers about which way the trailer is facing. You do not want to endanger them.

The brakes should be in good working order and placed on both wheels. There are 3 types of brakes:

– Direct service brake system allows the driver of the towing vehicle to directly control the trailer brakes from the driving position. On the other hand, the indirect system causes the trailer to push against the vehicle and this force indirectly controls the trailer’s brakes;

– Breakaway brakes will apply themselves automatically if the trailer is accidentally disconnected from the vehicle;

– Parking brakes are useful for holding the trailer and they are applied by hand.

Regular maintenance of the trailer is very important. The wheels pressure has to be checked, and to identify any sign of their damaging. Complete working of the lights and cleaning them occasionally. Tow mechanisms must be well lubricated. No matter how good you are at towing, you can never tow a badly maintained trailer well and safe.

There are more cars on the road now than ever before. Previously not everyone was able to afford a car but nowadays there are a variety of options available suitable for every pocket. With public transport not being the ideal means of transport anymore, more people are driving themselves to work. The sheer amount of cars on the road is what causes congestion so it is good practice for everyone to adopt healthy road side manners.

We all have to share the roads we drive on so we have to be courteous with one another. Here are seven good road side manners to adopt.

  1. If you are in bumper to bumper traffic and there is a car in the left lane that needs to get into the right lane you’re in, allow them a gap ahead of you. Perhaps they need to be in that lane in order to turn right at the intersection ahead.
  2. When another driver gives you a gap ahead of them, do the courteous thing and say thank you by flashing your hazard lights a couple of times. The flashing of hazard lights for a couple of times is a general thank you gesture on the roads.
  3. Don’t tailgate another driver. Keep your driving distance and give the driver ahead of you a comfortable space. You should be able to see the car’s rear wheels. If you can’t see the rear wheels then you are too close.
  4. Keep left and pass right. If there is more than one lane, then stick to the left lane. If you need to pass, then pass to the right lane and back to the left lane again. This allows all drivers to drive along at their own pace within the speed limit.
  5. Allow pedestrians to cross at intersections, traffic lights and pedestrian crossings. Pedestrians are road users too. Bring your car to a stop and give them time to cross the road.
  6. Keep an eye out for motorcycles and cyclists. If you check your mirrors and blind spots at the pertinent moments then you will notice the cyclists. If they are coming closer to you ensure that you allow them sufficient space to pass by. A one meter distance from them is usually acceptable.
  7. Don’t brake too much. Some drivers drive with their foot on the brakes all the time and will apply the brakes all the time for no good reason. This confuses drivers behind you. They’re not sure if you’re slowing down to stop or just to slow down. In addition such behaviour can damage your brakes and you’ll have to go for brake repairs more often.

For all we know, car airbags are one of the most effective protective measures which help reduce the impact of an accident on the passengers. As a matter of fact, it has been reported that fatalities were reduced by up to a whopping 52 percent in the case of both belted drivers with frontal airbags as well as SUVs equipped with side airbags.

Functioning of Airbags

In every automobile, facilitated with airbags, there is a sensor with the ability to detect a collision. In the event of a collision, the sensor sends an electric signal to the airbag storage. The signal reaches an igniter compound which gets heated up to result in the decomposition of sodium azide present in the compartment. In addition, the heat leads to the filling up of the airbag with nitrogen. All of this happens in an incredibly small duration of 0.03 seconds, and within 0.05 seconds of the collision, the inflated airbag forms a buffer between the occupants of the car and the steering column/dashboard.

Advantages of Airbags

While it has been pointed out at the decline in fatality rate due to the presence of airbags, let us delve deeper to understand some other advantages that they entail:

Airbags prove to be highly effective in protecting the passengers from any significant head, neck or spine injury by offering these parts with sufficient cushioning.

Airbags limit the distance that the head of the passenger hurls forward, thereby reducing the risk of injury to the head.

Airbags act as a protective wall between the passenger and the windshield and windows of the car, thus protecting the passengers from getting ejected from the car.

Limitations of Airbags

Albeit in very few cases, airbag deployment has resulted in the ignition of petrol/diesel fumes. This happens as a result of the explosion of the igniter element. This may lead to injuries and severe burns.

The deployment of airbags is known to reach incredibly high speeds of up to 200 mph, and can, therefore, result in severe fractures or internal injuries as a result. This is especially the case when the driver’s body is too close to the steering column.

For the airbags to be truly effective, it is essential that vehicles have both, front as well as side airbags.

Tips Pertaining Airbags

You must always invest in a car that offers both, front as well as side airbags.

You should always use your seat belt, as airbags prove to be more effective when deployed on a belted passenger.

In case your car’s airbags have been deployed as a result of collision, you must ensure that you get them re-installed only at an authorised auto car care centre.

We hope that you now have a fair knowledge regarding the role of airbags in a car. Do make sure you put this knowledge to good use. Until next time, keep safe!

In today’s fast moving world, technology and new inventions are popping up every day, making life easier on us. The auto industry is no different. We have seen this industry progress very quickly in the past few years. Seeing the invention of electric vehicles, more efficient vehicles and now including the amount of autonomous safety features, the question is often brought up, what will the auto industry look like in ten years? Here are three reasons why autonomous vehicles will be here sooner rather than later.

1. Humans are bad drivers. If the industry moves to being 100% autonomous or self-driving, the need for us human drivers would be completely eliminated. This would bring down accidents and auto related fatalities nearly by 100%. While it is hard to imagine no drivers on the road, it makes sense when we see how safe these autonomous vehicles can keep us. Not all drivers are bad, but in today’s technologically driven world almost everyone you see will have a smartphone in their hand or pocket. And the same goes for while they are behind the wheel. These smartphones allow drivers to become easily distracted which results in accidents and injuries, often deadly.

2. Technology is making us more comfortable. Technology arguably runs our lives. It surrounds us and makes our daily lives easier. The same goes for autonomous vehicles and their technologies. These new safety features have come around so quickly and the art has been perfected. It is almost impossible to find a new car without some sort of autonomous safety feature. Anything from voice control, rear-view cameras, automatic parking and automatic braking you can expect to see. As these additions become even more common and present in our driving experiences, we will get more comfortable and used to them. And once we realize the ease and safety that these features provide, we won’t look back.

3. Everyone can be apart of the autonomous industry. From young children to old grandparents or those with a disability, anyone can use these autonomous driving services. The safety and ease of use of these self-driving vehicles will allow anyone to get to their destination, even if you were not able to physically drive regardless of the reason. This will make transportation easier and safer, especially for the disabled and elderly community. These self-driving vehicles will gives us more freedom, independence and options for everyone. Imagine your next road trip not having to worry about driving, directions or how your grandparent might get there.

The use and addition of autonomous vehicles into the industry would be huge. Creating safer roads, more opportunity and a better industry. While this change may not happen for another 10 years, once we get a taste of the autonomous industry we will never look back.

In today’s world, maintenance and neglection can determine the life of your tyres. It’s quite tough to take care of your each & every part of your vehicle to maintain the performance or extend the life of your one of the most valuable assets. Neglecting the maintenance of your car tyres can be very costly.

Pay attention to these key areas to save on its replacement instead of keeping an eye on your vehicle’s performance and checking other parts. According to the experts, tyre maintenance is not a rocket science, it’s just a set of basic rules which are easy to follow for extending their life.

Know the inflation level: You better know the inflation level which is the biggest influence on tyre life. They are designed to run at a specific pressure. So gather the information on your exact axle load or refer to a tyre load chart. These are available online as well so that you can make the adjustments accordingly.

Join a good inflation maintenance program : It’s better if you can join a good tyre maintenance program which is quite difficult as they naturally lose air. Small punctures or valve caps may encourage the leakage. Make sure you check your tyres on a regular basis or once in a week to look if there is a rapid leak.

Reduce your driving speed: It always recommends to control your driving speed because the high speed generates more heat and accelerate tyre wear. The average speed between 55 mph to 75 mph can reduce the total treads mileage by 20% so make sure you keep the speed approx 55mph to increase the mileage.

Keep your vehicles well-aligned: Poor vehicle alignment is the major reason of the uncertain wears. Unexpected tread wear would appear on parts of the tyres if they don’t run straight ahead. The vehicle should be properly aligned so it’s better you start a serious alignment program which may increase the tyre mileage by 30%.

Mount it correctly : It’s better you watch the performance of your car tyres. You will have to watch that your tyres are mounted or match-mounted to the wheel correctly. The high spot may vary one tyre to another so watch this mark when you mount the tyres. It’s better if you take the high spot to match it to the low spot of the wheel.

Check & replace a wheel on time: You need to check the wheels and suspension components on time so that you can replace these hidden enemies of your tyres. If your wheel bearing is not torqued properly, it may cause irregular wear. Worn shock absorbers may cause depression wear on treads and an early trip to the scrap pile. Don’t wait for the suspension components to be broken or for any leakage. It’s better if you can replace shock absorbers and other suspension components.

Rotate Tyres: Intelligent tyre rotation is quite important to promote even tread wear and add a lot of extra miles in tread life. It’s better if you rotate drive tyres between forward and back positions once in a few months to even out wear. Rear tyres will wear quicker than the forward positions so, it’s better if you emphasize on intelligent tyre rotation.

When it comes to vehicles, there are numerous types and models individuals can choose from. But, for individuals who have lucrative finances, the best option is to purchase a sports car. However, buying a sports car can be difficult since some models are limited. Fortunately, car buyers can also look for sports car for sale overseas. When doing so, below are some essential factors you need to consider.

Car condition

One of the most essential factors that car buyers need to consider when buying a sports car for sale overseas is its condition. This is very important especially if you are looking for a used one. When checking the condition of the vehicle, it is important that you look for signs of rust as well as repaired parts of the car. In addition, it is also a good idea to call in a mechanic to help you evaluate the engine. However, these tasks are impossible if you are buying overseas. So, the best option is to check the car’s auction inspection sheet. This inspection sheet will provide you with accurate information about the vehicle. Not to mention, inspection sheets also include the auction grade, which can help you determine its value.

Market price

After checking the vehicle, it is also best for car buyers to know its market price. There are some car models that more expensive due to its demand or perhaps, due to its additional accessories such as bigger engine or better handling. Therefore, it is important to do your research to ensure that your investment will be worth it.

Import regulations

It is also important for car buyers to have sufficient knowledge about import regulations. These regulations differ in each country. Thus, it is best that you contact authorities before buying a sports car for sale overseas. Other than that, it is also important that you complete all needed requirements to ensure that import tasks can be completed easily and promptly.


Lastly, car buyers must also ask for insurance. Insurance is very important when transporting vehicles since damages such as dents and scratches can easily affect the value of the vehicle. In addition, these damages can be very expensive. By getting an insurance, you are rest assured that any damages in the car during the transport will be shouldered by the importer.

If you are a landscaper or work in construction, chances are you have a trailer that you take with you to job sites. In this trailer is everything you need to do your job, the tools, the supplies and any odd shaped object that is hard to transport any other way. Trailers are safe on the road, many can be locked up at night, and there are many different kinds from those with no roof to those with slatted sides or those that look like a board with wheels, but they all serve their purpose well.

But what if you want to move animals? If you’re a farmer, a horse owner, a breeder, or work in any other animal related occupations, you may need to transport animals from point A to point B. Animals, unlike humans won’t be happy piling into the back of a station wagon or soccer mom van, so here we have a predicament.

This is when a trailer comes in, and of course there are trailers that are designed specifically for hauling animals, whether you are taking them to a vet appointment or to a show, doing a short haul or a long trip.

The most popular option for livestock is the stock trailer. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes but all do one thing and that is move animals. Most have partially slatted sides that allow air to get in and make it more comfortable for the animals, and some have solid tops whereas some have a soft top, this depends on what part of the country you live in and what the weather conditions are like where you live. You don’t want your animals getting too hot or too cold on the trip.

Likewise, the flooring is different with different trailers. If the flooring is wooden you’ll usually see rubber mats on top of it as wet wood does get slippery and becomes dangerous for the livestock. Some newer ones have rubber flooring options that are easier for the animals to be on for long periods. Add a ramp for ease of entry and exit and you have a livestock trailer that is humane enough to transport cattle, horses, sheep or whatever you need to haul easy and effectively. If you have new land to move your herd to, if you have a big competition coming up or if you just need to get that herd from point A to point B, you need a trailer.

Towing and recovery services are designed to manage all kinds of roadway accidents. Some of the common situations where people can get an immediate assistance from a professional include vehicle breakdowns, collisions with other vehicles or objects, single vehicle crashes, and load shift. Regardless of the nature of an incident, a professional recovery team is expected to:

Ensure safety

Road accidents demand precautionary measures. Traffic approaching the scene, for instance, should be warned of the incidents. This is the first step in the process to safely recover a damaged vehicle. There are different techniques that can improve the visibility of accident scene. Flashing lights, cones, signs, barricades, and flaggers are some of the common tools experts use to prevent more vehicles from getting affected by the accident.

It is the responsibility of a recovery team to consider and maintain the sight distance to an overall recovery area. The recovery area should be inspected carefully for all the possible hazards. Fire explosions, equipment failure, health risks can further worsen the situation.

Recover the vehicle safely and quickly

It is important that a towing expert recovers and positions a vehicle for loading away from the scene as soon as possible. The process involves the use of various equipment such as winch and rigging. The equipment and tow truck must be in good working order. Vehicle manufacturers often provide a comprehensive guide on how to secure or tow the vehicle. Professional towing operators understand how to carry out the process without causing damage to property or human health.

Safe transportation

Road accidents can completely damage a vehicle. The damage sustained in an accident can lead to more problems if recovery process is not up to the standards. It is the prime responsibility of a towing company to transport accidental vehicles safely without causing any additional damage.

It is important to scrutinize a towing company before hiring it for the vehicle recovery purpose. Following are some of the considerations in this regard:

  • Make sure your towing contractor is trustworthy and that he conducts operations in compliance with established codes and procedures.
  • Sign a contract and discuss important things such as pricing in order to avoid being overcharged.
  • Make sure your towing expert is authorized and licensed to perform standard vehicle recovery operations.

Hiring a reliable and reputable towing company will save you time and money. Make sure you have the contact information of an emergency towing service in your town.

Over sixty years of active motoring, one has observed with interest the changing styles followed by manufacturers in search of popularity and volume sales. From a British perspective it was always Ford of England that initiated a radical departure from the established norm, risking the derision of critics but, more often than not, capturing the imagination of a public always eager to be seen in something radically new. This pattern of progress continued virtually unchanged for five decades until it was overwhelmed by the Asian dominance of the new millennium.

In the 1950s, the new look in motor cars was ushered in by the Ford Prefect and Anglia saloons. The innovation may have had antecedents in the USA, where the evolution of private vehicles had continued while suspended in Britain during World War II, but, if so, it was reproduced without the ostentation and glittering chrome so characteristic of American cars of that era. At any rate, it proved immediately popular in Britain, and other motor manufacturers rushed to follow the new style, hoping at the same time to add some distinctive feature of their own.

The three-box style had a long life. It was amenable to great variation in detail and was readily adapted to two boxes in estate car or station wagon varieties. The influence of wind tunnel testing led to more streamlined shapes reputed to reduce air resistance and improve performance and fuel economy. Streamlines proved to be as aesthetically pleasing on cars as they were on aircraft and Ford continued to lead the way in an evolution that culminated in the universally popular KA model of the 1990s.

From there, there was nowhere to go. As far as is humanly possible, perfection had been achieved. The Ford KA inspired numerous copies from other manufacturers but all, in striving for a unique feature, degraded the beauty of the original. Many people, tired of constant pressure to buy something new, might have liked the KA to become a standard product in perpetuity. But the industry had now passed through Japan to South Korea and China, countries eager to promote worldwide sales of newly manufactured products.

Making something different from perfection means making something less pleasing to the eye and the Asian manufacturers have certainly succeeded in that quest. Yet so dominant is their global stance that the residual industry in the West has felt compelled to copy the Eastern degradation. It is an old English saying that after the Lord Mayor’s coach comes the corporation cart. In motor styling, the Lord Mayor’s coach has passed, and we are still waiting for the corporation cart.

You may not give much thought to the lowly trailer. Sure, it sits on the back of a car or truck and then it is largely forgotten about, until of course you actually need to get an object from point A to point B. For some, trailers are just part of everyday life. If you are in the trades for example, or in landscaping, construction or anything else that requires odd shaped tools and supplies chances are you have a trailer.

That closed trailer is a great place to store all of your tools and supplies, it is convenient as you go to a job, you just hitch up the trailer and all that you need arrives with you. Things can be neatly stowed in there, out of the elements and locked up for safety and to deter thefts. Having everything in one place means that you know you have what you need to do the job and when it’s done, you can pack up and head home knowing you are good to go the next day.

If you work at landscaping and have to take lawnmowers, edgers and big bulky bags of stone, sand and dirt around with you, using an open trailer makes a lot of sense. When you arrive you drive your lawnmower off the trailer and it’s easy to get back on once you’re done. The open trailer does allow for weather to get to your supplies, but who cuts grass in the rain anyway?

Simple trailers help anyone regardless of their job. Those weekend warriors who go to the local big box store and buy supplies for their yard, pond or DIY project have to have a way to get all of that stuff home. If you’ve ever tried piling paving stones into a trunk you’ll know you really need a trailer to get the job done.

And then there are the toys: the ATV’s, the racing cars, the skidoos that need to be transported from your garage to the great outdoors. Enter the trailer and you are one step closer to fun. With so many designs, sizes and shapes, trailers today can be custom made to your specifications. If you need removable sides they can do that, if you need it to be able to dump, you can have that too, and if you need salt or rock guards you guessed it, they are available too!

Как подтвердить свою личность? Как подтвердить свой статус? На этот вопрос Вы с легкостью ответите, ведь у каждого гражданина имеется такой документ как паспорт он и удостоверяет Вашу личность включая дату рождения, семейное положение, место рождения, проживания, сведения о наличии детей.

В нашей статье мы хотим рассказать Вам о документе, который должен иметь при себе каждый служащий или работающий в системе федеральной противопожарной службы Министерства Российской Федерации по делам гражданской обороны, чрезвычайным ситуациям и ликвидации последствий стихийных бедствий.

Как Вы уже догадались документ удостоверяющий, что Вы являетесь сотрудником – служебное удостоверение.

Согласно удостоверения выдаются:

  • при поступлении на службу в МЧС России;
  • при поступлении в .

Рассмотрим более подробно выдержки из приказа.

Кто должен иметь служебное удостоверение

Выдается всем сотрудникам, в той или иной степени связанным с системой МЧС.

А теперь более подробно:

  • Курсанты и слушатели образовательных учреждений МЧС России;
  • Рядовой и начальствующий состав и спасатели которые проходят службу;
  • Стажеры и материально- ответственные работники ФПС МЧС России;
  • Прикомандированные сотрудники ФПС МЧС России к федеральным органам государственной власти, органам государственной власти субъектов Российской Федерации.

Сроки выдачи и замена

У каждого документа есть свой срок действия будь то паспорт или специальный пропуск, так и в нашем случае согласно приказа о порядке изготовления, оформления и выдачи служебных удостоверений личному составу федеральной противопожарной службы, замена его производится по истечению пяти лет с момента получения. Существуют также другие обязательные требования при которых производиться замена удостоверения, к ним относятся:

  • перемещение по должности;
  • получение (или снижение) очередного специального звания;
  • при утрате или порче служебного удостоверения;
  • при смене фамилии

Каждое служебное удостоверение содержит в себе информацию о занимаемой должности держателя, его специальном звании, наименование подразделения в котором он проходит службу и его фотография.

Размер фотографии

На левой внутренней стороне удостоверения наклеивается фотография без светлого угла размером 30х40 мм на матовой тонкой фотобумаге. Фотографии на удостоверениях лиц, указанных в пунктах 11, 12, 13 Инструкции к приказу МЧС РФ от 17 мая 2005 года № 400, должны быть цветными, а на удостоверениях лиц, не перечисленных в этих пунктах, – черно-белыми.

Под фотографией указывается личный номер владельца удостоверения (если такового не имеется – ставится прочерк) и срок действия удостоверения

Действия в случае утери

Как говорят психологи – в первую очередь сохраняйте спокойствие! Человек сохраняющий спокойствие гораздо более собран. Постарайтесь вспомнить, когда Вы доставали удостоверение в последний раз и где могли его обронить.

Если Вам не удалось найти Ваш документ следуйте рекомендациям.

  1. Немедленно доложите непосредственному начальнику об утрате служебного удостоверения (не стоит скрывать факт его пропажи, ведь как говорится «чем дальше в лес…»)
  2. Подготовьте рапорт на имя непосредственного начальника об утрате удостоверения с обязательным указанием причины, это может быть утрата, порча удостоверения или кража с обязательным подтверждением заявления о краже с отделения местной полиции.

Стоит отметить, что в любом случае по факту порчи, утраты, кражи и т.д. удостоверения будет проводится служебная проверка.

На основании материалов проверки издается приказ начальником, выдавшим удостоверение, в соответствии с которым оно списывается с книг учета.

Образец и описание

Удостоверение изготавливается из искусственной кожи темно вишневого цвета его размер в развернутом виде составляет 193 х 67 мм

Выглядит удостоверение не броско, внешняя лицевая сторона имеет герб и надпись золотистого цвета МЧС РОССИИ

Ниже представлены образцы удостоверений в развороте

Внутренняя часть удостоверения

Образец заполнения

Слева располагается фото владельца удостоверения, серия удостоверения, например: ДКП (Департамент кадровой политики) или ГПН (Государственный пожарный надзор) с порядковым номером и сроком действия, также на этой стороне разворота указывается личный номер присвоенный сотруднику.

Список серий удостоверений МЧС России

Правый разворот содержит информацию о занимаемой должности сотрудника, наименовании подразделения и специальное звание если таковое присутствует, в самой нижней части указана дата выдачи удостоверения за подписью и печатью уполномоченного начальника. Более подробную информацию об удостоверениях Вы можете прочитать в приказе МЧС России от 17 мая 2005 года № 400, ссылка в самом начале статьи приведена.

После выполнения нижеперечисленных шагов была получена лицензия МЧС на следующие перечни работ:

1 Монтаж, техническое обслуживание и ремонт систем пожаротушения и их элементов, включая диспетчеризацию и проведение пусконаладочных работ.

2 Монтаж, техническое обслуживание и ремонт систем пожарной и охранно-пожарной сигнализации и их элементов, включая диспетчеризацию и проведение пусконаладочных работ.

3 Монтаж, техническое обслуживание и ремонт систем оповещения и эвакуации при пожаре и их элементов, включая диспетчеризацию и проведение пусконаладочных работ.

Возможно вас заинтересует: «Освобождает ли отсутствие исполнительной документации от оплаты выполненных работ?» и другие статьи в разделе: «Правовая грамотность» .

Вот так выглядит лицензия МЧС которую Вы получите в результате…

Этапы получения лицензии МЧС:

1 Заполните заявление о предоставлении лицензии скачать doc

Пример заполнения формы ниже…

2 Оплатите госпошлину, на данный момент 05.11.2015 размер госпошлины составляет 7500 рублей.

Реквизиты для оплаты уточняйте на сайте МЧС http://www.mchs.gov.ru/.

Пример заполненного платёжного поручения ниже…

3 Заполните опись представленных документов, обратите особое внимание на перечень указанных в описи документов. Все эти документы принимаются в оригинале. Можно принести и заверенные нотариально, но лучше всё же принести оригиналы. Обязательно со всех оригиналов снимите копии. Специалист отдела лицензирования будет сверять оригинал и копию документа и заверять каждую страницу своей печатью. Перечень необходимых документов для получения лицензии МЧС можно .

Пример заполненной описи предоставленных документов ниже…

Адреса центров МЧС России в которые направляются и предоставляются заявления и документы для выдачи лицензии можно посмотреть ниже или :

Ниже приведены примеры необходимых документов которые указаны в описи с комментариями…


1 В справку необходимо включать руководителей, специалистов, состоящих в штате или привлекаемых на законном основании, занятых непосредственно выполнением работ и (или) услуг.

2 В отношении специалистов, привлекаемых к работам и (или) услугам на договорной основе, производится пометка в графе «Примечание».

3 В самом низу таблицы необходимо указать Фамилию, инициалы и подпись руководителя организации

Рекомендуем также: «Правила хранения исполнительной документации» и другие статьи раздела «Правовая грамотность» .

Комментарий: Для получения лицензии на данный вид работ, Вам необходимо обучить сотрудников, пример свидетельств приведён ниже. Главное!!! чтобы не менее двух сотрудников из обучаемых должны иметь опыт работы под лицензией МЧС не менее 3 -х лет. Данный стаж подтверждается оригиналами трудовых книжек, которые Вы должны предъявить специалисту МЧС. Также Вам необходимо предъявить копии лицензий организаций в которых данные сотрудники отработали более 3 -х лет.

Перечень работ которые Вы открываете должен совпадать с перечнем работ указанным в лицензиях тех фирм в которых ранее работали Ваши сотрудники. Копии лицензий сторонних организаций должны быть заверены печатью этих фирм.

Если Вам не удалось получить копии лицензий сторонних организация, к примеру Вам не предоставляют эту информацию, или истёк срок действия этой лицензии а копии отсутствуют, тогда пишите письмо следующего содержания: «Просим Вас предоставить информацию по наличию лицензий МЧС по следующим организациям……… в связи с необходимостью предъявить данную информацию для получения лицензии» в департамент надзорной деятельности МЧС России на фирменном бланке организации. Далее отправляйте этот бланк заказным письмом с уведомлением.

После того как письмо будет отправлено, недели через две придёт ответ (пример ответа приведён ниже).

Пример записи в трудовой книжке сотрудника, который имел опыт работы под лицензией МЧС.

Если у Вас нет сотрудников имеющих опыт работы под лицензией МЧС, то нужно привлечь их со стороны по трудовому договору. Приняв сотрудника по трудовому договору, при подготовке пакета документов для получения лицензии необходимо предусмотреть: наличие оригинала трудовой книги и копии лицензий МЧС подтверждающие опыт работы этих сотрудников под лицензией МЧС.

Пример свидетельства по обучению сотрудника ниже…

Перейдём к наличию оборудования. Ниже приведен перечень оборудования, который соответствует видам работ, которые открыты в лицензии. Перечень как таковой не регламентирован, т.к. под каждый вид работ можно использовать разное оборудование и выполнять эти работы не нарушая норм.

В моём случае, в организации не оказалось того списка, который был необходим, поэтому пришлось заключить договор аренды с компанией, которая предоставляет данное оборудование. Помните, что все паспорта на оборудование предъявляемые специалисту МЧС должны быть в оригинальном виде. Поэтому, если вы будете брать оборудование в аренду, сразу проговариваете с владельцем, что Вам необходимы оригиналы и копии паспортов для предъявления в МЧС. После проверки их можно вернуть собственнику.

После того как все документы будут проверены и заверены печатями МЧС, пакет будет передан на окончательную проверку в МЧС примерно на 2 недели. После окончательной проверки документов в Ваш адрес будет направлен акт проверки.

В акте проверки указывается дата приезда сотрудника МЧС для проверки наличия оборудования. Сотрудник МЧС приедет по адресу указанному в заявлении, будьте внимательны, если фактически Вы не находитесь по данному адресу, то встреча не состоится.

К проверке подготовьте все арендованное и собственное оборудование, а также оригинал пакета документов которые передавали в МЧС. Все оригиналы должны быть разложены по папкам в соответствии с описью, которая остаётся у Вас на руках.

Обратите внимание, что практически всё оборудование поверяется, за исключением сварочных выпрямителей, центраторов. Времени с момента начала оформления лицензии проходит довольно много, поэтому поверки могут истечь! В момент приезда специалиста МЧС все поверки должны быть действительны, либо приложена справка о том, что Вы сдали прибор на продление поверки.

Пример справки о материально — технической базе ниже.

Желаю удачи в получении лицензии…

Жду Ваших отзывов в комментариях…

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